Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai
Page 27

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03-May-2024 Friday
Is it very cold in Vladivostok in winter? Where can I go?

25-April-2024 Thursday
The life and death of the Chistogolov clan

22-April-2024 Monday
Forgot. Toyota Funcargo found abandoned on beach

22-April-2024 Monday
Walk today, bitter cold, seal larga (spotted seal)...

11-April-2024 Thursday
Why leave a tip with banknotes with inscriptions? Sberbank accepts these, after all (if anything, you can donate them :-)?

15-March-2024 Friday
Continuation of the post “A striking example of zooshyness”

15-March-2024 Friday
“The Lancepup Club”: the extravagant revelry of 19th-century settlers in the Far East or the entertainment of the “Russian Wild West”

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